Posted in Primary School Education

Getting Your Child Adjusted

Getting Your Child Adjusted Posted on 22nd March 2019

The leap from nursery to primary school can be a big one, and may seem like a daunting task for both parents and children. While a certain amount of fear and uncertainty will always come with taking such a big step – and can be a good thing! – there are lots of ways for both you and your child to be prepared to take the plunge. Being organised and prepared for this step will go a long way to dispelling fears, worries, and trepidation often involved before the first day of a new school.


Getting enough sleep is paramount in reducing stress and feeling calm and prepared. Make sure your child is getting at least ten hours’ sleep a night, and that you as parents are getting at least seven. It’s a good idea to start getting on the school sleep schedule two or three nights beforehand.

Eat Well

A healthy diet goes hand in hand with good sleep for a healthy child. Not only will this help them feel better and less stressed, but will help focus their mind for a day full of learning new things, meeting new people, and generally having a lot more on their plate.

Get in a Routine

As mentioned, it’s a good idea to start implementing their school bed time a few days in advance. Try to incorporate other things into this routine, too. For example, breakfast at the earlier time, with quicker turnaround, followed by getting dressed within a certain time. Aim to have your evening meal around the time they will after school, as well as any snacks. Allot an evening time for TV or games, then start winding down slowly for a good night’s sleep.

Tools and Equipment

A new school means new equipment. From uniforms to stationery, you’ll be hitting the shops to make sure they have everything they need. As with everything, the earlier you’re prepared, the less

stress you’ll feel. Bring your child along to make them feel involved and excited about their new adventure.

Make a Calendar

All of this may be hard for children to remember, so make a visual to help them. Setting a time for a creative session to make a chart, calendar, or timetable will not only be fun but will help make things clearer. The more they remember, the less you’ll have to.

Do a Prep Run

Now that you have everything you need, go through with your child what the first day will be like, starting from the night before. Make sure to keep everything positive, reminding them of the new things they’ll be learning, the new people they’ll be meeting, and how grown up they will be.
